The University of Georgia (UGA) Willson Center for Humanities and Arts, along with College of Education professor Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor and representatives from the UGA Arts Council, is working to help increase vaccine confidence through community participation in the arts.
To incentivize community engagement, project organizers hosted a contest offering $1000 in cash prizes to any TikTok users creating such videos, the criteria being: presenting accurate information (25%), attracting viewership (25%) and original, entertainment value (50%). To increase participation and visibility, we hosted three TikTok tables on campus where we recorded brief interviews, asking passersby "how do you feel about vaccines?" Between February 1st to April 1st, 2022, 394 videos were posted on our #bestshotuga TikTok page, 278 of which were new, non-repetitive content. 124 of the videos (45%) were interviews (46 on February 12th; 57 on March 14th; and 21 on March 21st). Less than 3% of videos were made by creators who were not funded artists or solicited at campus interviews.
The data included the TikToks, TikTok commentary, longer interviews with 8 solicited TikTok artists, dozens of short interviews while tabling, the Author1's field notes, and survey data solicited at awards ceremony (11 participants on April 23rd with more surveys coming in daily). Followers for this project have steadily grown from 0 to 175, acquiring almost 200,000 views in eight weeks. Organizers wanted to understand how participants were re-storying COVID-19 vaccination messages.
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